Creating Digital and Global Citizens

Dashain Vacation-2024



For Students:

This is to inform all the students of Bachelor’s degree Prorams that Dashain ,Tihar & Chatha vacation runs from Ashoj 17, 2081 (October 03, 2024) to Kartik 22, 2081 (November 07, 2024) and the regular classes resume from Kartik 23, 2081 BS (November 08, 2024). The classes run physically in morning from 7:00 AM onward.

For Staffs:

This is to inform all the staffs that the Dashain Vacation runs from Ashoj 17, 2081 (October 03, 2024) to Kartik 02, 2081 (October 18, 2024). The college administration re opens from Kartik 04, 2081 (October 20, 2024)Tihar & Chhath Festival Vacation runs from Kartik 15, 2081 ( October 31, 2023) to Kartik 22, 2081 (November 07, 2024).